Page updates

The purpose of this page is to advise if I have made any significant changes to a page. Example: I have gone back to amend text or add photo's to an earlier page. Little things like spelling corrections wont be listed here. I hope you find it useful.

12th December 2018

Izmir - the revolving toilet seat story.

27th December 2018

Happy Christmas (bit late) Happy New Year (bit early)

Added more photos to Konya. Also added photos to Konya to Capaddocia.

2nd January 2019

Added text to Capaddocia. Need to add more photos.

6th January 2019

Alanya - Nutmeg story.

Capadoccia - text. Added hotel friends names. Amended volcano names. Added chinese restaurant name. Added more photos.

17th January 2019

Istanbul - The Basilica Cistern

22nd January 2019

Istanbul . Photos uploaded.

4th February 2019

Add photos to Erdine, Alexandropoloi, Thessaloniki and Kalambaka

10th February 2019

Added text about the restaurant in Thessaloniki (first time page), and `Thessaloniki again` page.

16th February 2019

Added photos to Thessaloniki, Kalambaka and Sofia.

22nd February 2019

Sofia - more text and photos.

18th March 2019

Bucharest - text and photos

23rd March 2019

Brasov and more Brasov. Text and Photos added.

4th April 2019

Added photo to Brasov of Bogdan, geezer, bear and me!

9th April 2019

Added photos to Sibiu

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