Wednesday 6th June

Been a busy day. Tried to upload photos from the camcorder to the tablet to use on the blog but I couldnt get it to work. Friend Cameron (much more techy than me) could also not get it to work,so it was a trip to Park Cameras. They couldnt get it to work either (which made Cameron & I feel a whole lot better) so after lots of internet searches we bought a snazzy little memory card adapter, cheap as chips. Woo hoo. Happy days. So I should be able to sprinkle my Blog with visual delights. 

Eurostar! :-)

Eurostar! :-)

8th June. Off to London today. Early start in the morning on the Eurostar and dont trust the rail timetable to get us there on schedule. So booked in to The Comfort Inn at St Pancras for an overnighter. We wore our "Norm & Sue on tour" t shirts, had several comments and people were taking photos. Hilarious. Several strangers shouted `Hey, Sue, Norm how you doing?` My faith in human nature is restored. The phones have been switched off and left at home, so NO STREETMAP, and we couldn`t find the hotel. A lovely man who could see we were lost, actually escorted us to our hotel. It was up a side street. (Nice and quiet by the way, off the Euston Road). Good Iralian restaurant close by. Cassa Mamma.

9th June. HURRAH. The big day has arrived. Short and easy stroll to the Eurostar terminal. Quicktrip into M&S for some breakfast provisions. TRIP TIP; Take your own food/snacks on the Eurostar as its expensive and the queues are long. Check in at Eurostar is efficient and quick. The train left on time, was clean, comfortable and smooth. I love Eurostar. How nice to watch the world go by, move about in comfort, have leg room and be in Amsterdam in less than 4 hours. So much nicer than flying.

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