Kos to Bodrum

We say farewell to Pauline and Nick, wave goodbye to their coach and suddenly its just `us` again. Standing on the dusty roadside. Big sigh. Its been lovely, we have had some fun. Now we must continue our adventure. Back to the apartment to pack. 

Love a ferry! Ours leaves at 5pm, so ample time to pack, have a lazy lunch etc. We only have one dragbag and our two small rucksacks so packing is quickly done. The little ferryport is the other side of Kos town, we find nice quiet restaurants on the seafront, and a reasonable beach! Typical! We didnt venture this side with Pauline and Nick. Order lunch, skinless, boneless sea bass grilled, served with steamed potatoes, carrots, and courgettes. Delicious succulent fish, not a greasy chip in sight. Sneeking a peep at neighbouring plates, the food looks lovely. The fresh tuna and prawns look fabulous. It is not untill we leave we realise its a Turkish restaurant! How funny. 

The ferry is fairly empty, only foot passengers today. The journey is uneventful. There are several companies offering this same route. We chose Bodrum Express purely based on cost, its a few euros cheaper than the others. Its an older ferry, not very fancy, but the journey only takes 45 - 60 minutes so we dont need luxury. We all get off to the usual queues to get through passport control and customs. Its fairly speedy and our bags get scanned but no one is really watching the monitors. So smuggling in the Kalashnikov is quite easy (thats a joke by the way, if there are any officials reading this) I am more concerned about the bottle of wine I dont want to break. 

I feel I have arrived back home. We stroll along the harbour too the taxI rank and get a taxI to the apartment. We are welcomed like old friends by Arzu (Karatas), our big dragbag that we left behind is waiting in our apartment, we are provided with blankets as the weather is cooling down. Our host generally clucks around us like a mother hen around her chicks. We love Arzu. Once settled in, we head to the Migros (supermarket) for provisions. I feel so much at home that I even get a Migros loyalty card! Bread, eggs, milk, soup and wine. Job done.

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