
Warsaw central station is big and modern. It has a Starbucks and all usual oulets you will find in most big European travel terminus. We have, so far, found that a trip to the information desk is a good place to start to find out which direction we should be heading in. Not so here! We tried two seperate desks and were simply and coldly told `no`. 

So we headed out to a taxi rank (its 9.45 pm by now, we have been travelling all day). The taxi driver googled our `hostel` as he didn`t know the area it was in. I booked this `hostel` thinking it was a youth hostel. Youth hostels nowadays cater for all generations and a lot have rooms with private facilites. The pictures of the room look good on booking.com, functional, simple and clean. Ours has a double and a single bed and private bathroom. Price fixed with the taxi driver, we are off. Further and further away from the city centre into a run down industrial estate. This is a transport hostel, for lorry drivers and construction workers. I dont want to get out of the taxi! Even the taxi driver looks concerned. He writes his number on a bit of paper so we can get out of here in the morning, which we fully intend to do. Booking.com says there is a restaurant and bar featuring table tennis. Its a transport caf`! Today we have eaten a yoghurt, banana, some cheese, ham, tomatoes and some breadsticks. Even in our heightened state of anxiety we are starving. We buy two beers (no glasses and the bottle opener is chained to the worktop) and a packet of crisps and scuttle off to our room. Outside, men sit on kerb stones drinking beer and hawking and spitting into the dirt. The only women was the one behind the counter, who I would want on my side if it came to a fight, and a couple of women breifly seen flitting around in the shadows outside. Once in our room, I am straight onto the internet, we are NOT staying here. If some of these men are lorry drivers I dont want to anywhere on the road with them in the morning, there is a lot of drunkeness.

So, back on `tinternet!  I find Anton Warsaw Apartments, a studio is available in central Warsaw, I book it. Bit rash, but reduced by 50% last minute so go for it. I did look at these before but, wanting to vary our accomodation I went for the hostel! Fool!

Back in the not so lovely Hostel Siennicka, we are at ground level, I am awoken by somebody having his early morning throat clearing session outside of our window. Public hawking and spitting are particular `hates` of mine. It is dirty, disgusting, unhygienic and unnecessary. The bathroom is the place to do this in private. 

We pack, not that we really unpacked. At reception we ask for a taxi to be called and tell the man on reception we are checking out. It is not even 8.30. He enquires why and when we explain location he just shrugs. I think this has happened before. We had two black cup of teas and shared the last of the water for breakfast.

The taxi takes us back to Warsaw Central station. The tourist information office is directly opposite. The lady on the desk is quite helpful. I explain what has happens, she tuts at the photos. I have tried ringing Anton apartments with no success, goes straight through to answer phone. I know we can`t check in till after 2 but want to make sure all is ok. Its raining, we have all our worldly goods with us. She offers us a seat in the dry while she keeps trying to contact Anton. I have a horrible sinking feeling I have been conned. I ring booking.com, they are fabulous. First thing is about Hostel Siennicka, I was honest, said the room was fine, but it was the location that caused concern. I told him I felt uneasy and not safe, he asked for my photos etc. No one should feel like that booking a room with a reputable agent. Then he rang the owner of `Anton`, explained our predicament and they got the cleaners in as soon as the previous guests left so we could get our apartment early.

So, in some trepidation we get a taxi to pick up the keys and then onto the apartment. We are on the 20th floor of a modern tower block. Wow! Its only a studio flat, but it is spacious, clean, fabulous views, balcony and a concierge (who is in my corner in a fight). No drunks. No noise. Bliss. 

Dump the gear, go and get lunch. Yeah, its only 11 but we havent eaten (except crisps) since yesterday at 12ish. Just at the foot of our apartment block is a cinema, loads of food outlets (not all chains), C&A, HMV, and the best little grocers shop ever!! We have a lovely lunch, Norman had pork chop with braised cabbage, I had chicken with carrots and asparagus. We decide to chill out for the rest of the day. We are both exhausted. So we call into the grocers, buy a bottle of wine and climb up into our tower. Norman is asleep before he gets through the first glass. Lightweight.

We cannot believe how lucky we have been. This apartment is fabulous. The views are incredible and we even have a balcony. Just downstairs is a pedestrian road packed with restaurant's. bars, and trendy shops (very nice `knicker` shop.............well, I just had to buy some didn`t I! Oh la la). No room picnics here, everything is so cheap we are eating out. Norman has discovered cocktails. His favourite is an `old fashioned`.........I am not saying a word! :-) My current favourite is a `Negroni`. Just wondering what Lovey will say when we order those in The Windmill when we get home. Perhaps Ruth can prime her for our return? (Does The Windmill even stock Campari?)

Norman has been growing a beard. He looked like Captain Birdseye, so today he went to the barbers. Thank heavens for that. 

We went to the launderette this morning. I am thinking of writing a guide to the worlds laundrettes. Todays scored top marks, state of the art, even had a flat screen tv! Comfy seating, autocashier, pay by card, cash or prepaid discount card. There was a coffee shop just outside, so we set the wash going and had a coffee. Perfect!

The weather is a bit stormy. We are hoping for a good thunder storm as the lightning would be spectacular from our viewpoint on the 20th floor. But after a couple of heavy showers the air clears, the nighttime view over the city is sparkling. 

HOT NEWS - There is no `P` in Poland! To day we set off on foot to explore the Old Town, in reality it isnt that old as it was mostly detroyed during the war and has been rebuilt exactly as it was before. Having said that ,it is quite lovely. So, there we are strolling along. The pavements are a mix of smooth tiles, block paving and brick cobbles. Lots of kerbs, steps and different levels. (Nightmare for the disabled) I am so concerned that Norman will jar his back I am constantly on the look out for hazards. I am so busy doing this on his behalf that I step awkwardly and twist my ankle. Ouch. It was/is very painful. We carried on at a gentler pace, saw what we really wanted to see. Then got a taxi home. Called in at a pharmacy for elastic bandage and the Polish equivalent of  `arnica`. All I need is some frozen peas to bring down the swelling, so off we hobble to the supermarket. No peas! It occurs to us that we havent seen a pea since leaving home. So I have to make do with spinach. Frozen raspberries would have been better but are expensive, so spinach is my frozen food stuff of choice. So, there is no `P` in Polish. My ankle has blown up like a balloon, it is very painful but I am trying to be brave. It is so painful that I have taken paracetamol, which those of you that know me well will realise how dire the situation is. Tomorrow is another day, hopefully the swelling will have subsided. I am convinced it is just a nasty sprain. (Fingers crossed).

A funny thing happened last evening. We were in Kaiser Bills (actually its just called Kaiser) having a wee drink and evening meal while the Germany v Korean football game was going on. You will know that what I understand about football can be written on a pin head. Kaiser Bills is a lovely restaurant on the precinct in Chimlea (where our apartment is) it is open fronted onto the pedestrian precinct so a great people watching area. It has big screen televising major events but the sound is always off (thank goodness). A couple of German ladies come and sit at the table adjacent to us. They order their meal and talk quietly together but with one eye on the screens. As the match progresses the restaurant fills up and a crowd builds outside. Its nil all. (Forgive me if the terminology is wrong.........I simply dont know what I am talking about,!!!) Then Korea score.....the German ladies stop talking. There is a dispute over the goal, they look a bit smug, then devastated when the goal is allowed. The crowd outside the restaurant is quite large by now. Then....the crowd goes wild, grown men are almost crying, beers are getting ordered, Korea has scored again. Its 2/0 to Korea. Game over. Our German ladies dont say a word, they just discreetly pay the bill and leave. Not a backward glance, stoney faced they walk away. ITS ONLY A GAME!!

Yet again, I am going to say I love Warsaw. Got to come back. My ankle has prevented us doing quite what we wanted but at least I got some pictures on the blog whilst balancing a bag of frozen spinach on my elevated leg. Not many people can say that.

NEWS UPDATE! Booking.com got us our money back from the truck stop. Hurrah. I think they have been barred from advertising on booking.com too. I must say booking.com were very helpful, couldnt have done more for us.  

Delightful view from the Hostel Sessenlinka

Delightful view from the Hostel Sessenlinka

The `facilities` at Hostel Sessenlinka

The `facilities` at Hostel Sessenlinka

View from our Apartment on 20th floor

View from our Apartment on 20th floor

And at night

And at night

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