Kalambaka to Thessaloniki

When we bought our bus tickets from Thessaloniki to Kalambaka, I paid an extra €9 each for an open return. I knew we would be going back to Thessaloniki as it is a major hub for international bus travel. Result! Saved about €15 each.

Journey was text book. Bus to Trikala, wait for 40 minutes, connecting bus to Thessaloniki. Nice and chilled. Nothing to report.

Thessaloniki bus terminal is on the outskirts of the city. There are public buses that will get you into town, but with the bags to contend with its worth the €8 taxi fare. 

I have only booked 2 nights in Thessaloniki this time. Its just a stop over. We know next stop is Sofia in Bulgaria, so call at the international ticket desk and buy our onward tickets. Nearly had a heart attack when I misheard and thought she said €90 each, its actually €19. Phew! (Nervous laughter)

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