Koblenz to Prague

This is a decent long trip, estimated at about 7 hours. Catch the bus from `Mr Singh`s to Koblenz station. We are booked on the 8.48 intercity train from Koblenz to Nuhberg. The first 45 minutes of the train journey is alongside the Rhine. We are treated to fantastic scenery passing Rhudesheimer, Boppard. Remind me not to pick grapes in this region, they must wear crampons and harnesses! Then we have to find our way to Nuhberg ZOB (bus station). We have 24 minutes to make the connection. We do it in plenty of time, its a 5 minute walk, and board our first intercity bus. Crumbs. This is efficient! What a bus! Double decker, we are upstairs, great views of the changing scenery. We kept saying `you wouldn`t see all this on a plane`. Nice big comfortable seats, plenty of leg room, smooth and fast, loving the bus. 

Sadly an accident on the road delayed our arrival in Prague. We arrived with no Czech Crowns so found an ATM and resolved the Issue. Another lesson learned, get your currency for your next destination BEFORE you get there. Then it was a case of getting to our accomodation. The nice man at the information desk tutted and sighed when I suggested a taxI. `too expensive, get the tram`. I am amazed at how helpful people are, especially the younger generation. We enlisted the help of a teenager who, paused in her journey and walked us to the tram stop, explained the timetable and made sure we were on the right track. Norman is a bit frazzled by now, I wish he would chill out on these journeys. Hoping he will get used to it soon. We get off at our stop `cechova crvrt` and find ourselves in the suburbs. Another nice lady at a sun tan bed shop points us in the right direction. She has no English, we have no Czech, but lots of hand gestures and smiles send us on our way.

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