Antalya to Alanya

We got to the Otogar in time for a cup of delicious Turkish tea in the sun before boarding the bus. Its hard to decide what to wear. Its feels lovely and warm to us today in the sunshine, but as soon as the clouds come over the temperature plummets. The locals are bundled up in puffer jackets and body warmers all the time.

The journey time is only two and a half hours. Almost as soon as we leave the outskirts of Antalya the heavens open. Torrential rain all the way. We can barely see out of the bus windows. As we arrive in Alanya the rain stops and the sun comes out again. In both Antalya and Alanya the groundsmen are planting up the flower beds. Even the columns supporting the bridges on the dual carrigeways are planted up with a sort of grid containing soil and plants. Thousands of pansies are just coming into flower. It will be stunning in a couple of months. They are also busy pruning trees and trimming topiary. Sweeping up leaves and digging up weeds. Busy, busy all the time. 

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