Split to Dubrovnik

Up at the crack of dawn. All packed and ready to go. I had been excited about todays travel as I have booked the catamaran ferry, this will take us to various islands on the Dalmation coast including Korcula ( which I remember Mum loved). We wont be getting off, but the journey should be pretty and Norman especially likes a boat trip. So we set off good and early to get a good seat. Unfortunately the lady at the ferry port gate sent us (and loads of other people) to the wrong ferry. By the time we got on we had inner seats, and it was packed! Luggage piled everywhere, pushchairs, zimmer frames, you name it. Oh well, we could see out the starboard (right) side a bit so it wasnt a complete disaster. 4 & 1/2 hours later we are in Dubrovnik port. Manic. We all get off (450 people, bags, pushchairs, zimmer frames, screaming kids, confused elderly gentle folk and us. We fall into a category there somewhere, but I am not rising to that bait!!!) Trip to the ATM, trip to tourist information, map recieved and advise to take taxi as the apartment is seriously uphill. A crazy drive up and up, round and round through oneway systems and we are deposited by a park in a residential area. Its not nice. I am not happy. I ring our `host` who says he is on his way. Meanwhile a friendly local shows us which house it is and pounds on the door. An oriental partially clad gentleman opens the doordoor and says ` No...pwivate wesidents owny`. So I am heading back out to the road as our host arrives with a big friend. Oh bu**er, I think we could be in trouble here. He isnt happy and his anger is crackling like an electrical storm!! See further instalment on Dubrovnik page. (I do feel I should do the `Eastenders` dum dum dum dur dur dum thing here.)

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