Zagreb to Sibenik

What a fabulous journey by bus. When I say bus I mean coach really. Airconditioned, smooth, clean and on time. Luggage stored below so nice and safe. We started out of Zagreb into lowlands, mainly cultivated but a few swampy reedy areas. Emir had told us that in the winter it freezes and as the sunlightning warms it the cracking sounds like gunfire. We saw lots of herons/stalks and a few deer, cattle, chicken scratching in farmyards. Lovely countryside, farmers going about their work on ancient tractors that look a bit like old Massey Fergusons. Hauling trailers of logs with the family sitting in top. Then it felt like we were going uphill for hours. The road wound up through ever thicker forests (I was looking for bears but didnt see any), we passed through tunnels that went on a long way, obviously cutting hours off the journey round the mountains. The temperature on the coach display read 38 but we were blissfully cool! Then the forest became thinner and the rocks became grey and sharp, the stratus at a crazy angle. The view was incredible. Mountain ranges, steep deep valleys, little hamlets tucked in here and there. Then we caught a glimpse of the sea and started heading downhill. They whole journey took 6 hours. The first 4 & 1/2 were fast and we covered a lot of miles, the remainder felt like forever. We have to remind ourselves this is a Croatian public bus service. So it stopped at Zadar, and then many little coatal villages untill finally we got to Sibenik. There was only 3 of us left at this point. There is a Taxi rank outside the bus station, thank goodness. Although it has been a stressfree day, we are travel weary and can see Sibenik is extremely hilly. Up through winding narrow alleys, barely enough room for one car, a nightmare if you meet another coming the other way. Finally we get to our apartment. Please read Sibenik for the continuing story.