Ioaninna to Patra

Text book journey. We got a taxi to the bus station. It was a walkable distance but it is very hot and we dont want to spend the journey hot, sweaty and uncomfortable.


Load the luggage under the bus, good seats near the front of the bus. Off we go along the A5/E55. Its a lovely new dual carriageway that cuts through the mountains of Pindos Oros with fabulous views of Amvrakikos (lake) and later the bay of Patra (Patraikos kolpos). We notice that at regular intervals there are laybys with toilet blocks. Its all spotlessly clean, no litter or overflowing bins. A far cry from the motorways of the UK.


We cross into Patra via the Rio-Antirrio bridge. 2,252 metres long, its one of the longest cable stayed multi spanned bridge in the world. Its quite a sight. High above the sparkling sea, even the people on the bus who regularly do this trip sit up and take notice.


Before we know it we are at the bus station. Making good time in less than 4 hours. We buy our onward tickets to Athens, and get a taxI to our accomodation.