Got the bug....

Yes, our decision is a bit spontaneous. Its how we have lived for the last ten months. After years of having to plan to the last minute around work commitments etc. Its a new way of life. I love it!  

I felt bad for dear Ruth (housesitter and friend) but she had been offered a new flat and was moving on anyway. Not everyone can cope with surprises. We offered to extend our absense for a few days, but Ruth was having none of that. She picked us up from Gatwick, took us to the pub and then home.

Home! It feels very strange. I had asked Norman what he was looking forward to about going home. His answer;

1 - Sleeping in his own bed.

2 - Having a pint in The Watermill with Bob.

3 - Roast pork and all the trimmings.

Done all of the above, even the Watermill, except Bob seems to be hiding!

Things I look forward to;

1 - A rest from researching onward travel. Loved it but it is tiring.

2 - Vegetables. Turkey is good for veg` but most other places its used as a garnish. Especially Bulgaria and Romania where 90% of the diet is meat. 

3 - The hobby room. (For those who don't know, this is a room in our house dedicated to my passion for crafts. Reupholstery, doggy bandanas, decoupage, glass painting etc).

All the above achieved! Imagine my delight when Ruth asked me to alter her new curtains. I was in sewing heaven.

So, we are settling in. My waking thoughts are no longer `where am I`, `Is it travelling day`. Now I think `whats the weather like, I need to prepare the ground for my seed potatoes`. Didn't think I would be doing that this year!

People ask `would you travel again?`. YES, YES, YES. We already have plans. Budapest next May to work for Gary. Our dear Turkey to complete the East side and the Black sea coast, and go back to Selimiye of course. There is so much more to see and do. And we would like to do a gulet cruise in Croatia/Montenegro. (Already doing the research). The islands are stunning. So stunning that they filmed `Mama Mia here we go again` on Vis, a Croatian island! Not Greece then,? Ha ha. 

Please dont ask what is my favourite destination. Its so hard. My heart is in Turkey, but.....

Europe is fabulous, so much history, so many stories, such great wine, delicious food. And we haven't visited so many more places. Austria, Italy, Spain, Serbia...the list is endless.

We never dreamed we would be able to travel like this. Its been a learning curve. We have had a fabulous time. More highs than lows, thats for sure.

The blog: I have been amazed at how many readers I have. Thank you all. I am humbled and feel very touched by the nice things people have said. The future of the blog? I have more photos to add, especially for the last week or so. Watch the `Updates page` for changes. I intend to condense the blog, at the moment it is the ramblings of a mad woman. I would love to turn it into a book (which is why its not on Facebook, copywrite laws.!) So, please watch this space, I am not finished yet.