Beautiful Turkish bride

Bodrum again

We are heading back `home` when we hear the destinctive sounds of pipes and drums. I am pretty sure a camel will  be involved and want a photo, so we follow our ears. I assume it is heading for the wrestling, so I plan to take a photo and hot-foot it away. What a surprise, its a wedding! The brides `trousseau` or the things she is bringing to new home are carried on the camel, there is a big wooden chest  (dont know whats in it)  bundles of household linen, all covered in a gorgeous Turkish carpet. The bride and groom dance ahead of the camel witn happy family members clapping and joining in. Other random people join the procession. The pipes and drums play on and people throw money on the ground. I am shy of overstepping the mark at these things but the bride seems to single me out for a while. She smiles, waves and poses for the camera. I feel very honoured. They stop at a house, the camel kneels down, and his burden is unloaded. I love a camel, but they do whiff a bit. Beautiful creatures though. We wish the couple health and happiness and melt away. What a treat.

Happy day.

There is always a camel photo-bombing your happy day!

Hope they packed that camel well!





Pickfords removals Turkish style

Love a camel

The naughty boys of Brasserie Fora. (Watch the one on the right!)

Brasserie Fora

What a treat. Been here before from various gulet trips, most memorably with Kim and Mark. Past the castle, near the Catamaran nightclub in a square on the very edge of the sea. Its quite swish, not particularly `Turkish`, but has a fabulous fun atmosphere. The staff deserve a payrise! A laugh a minute. Sitting there on a sunny afternoon, someone sneezed loudly, `JAYSUS CROIST` (Jesus Christ) in the best Irish accent I have ever heard. I thought Father Ted was in the room! But no, it was our friendly waiter. He kept us entertained with his accents and jokes. `Yar, yar ,yar!` `Gor blimey`. 


As for Ripvan (Winkle), cheeky boy on the right, just how many times does he need to kiss my cheek? Oh...go on then, just once more! But, its done with respect and humour. Its not cheesey, its just fun.


Then, there is Mr Serious, in the middle. You need an anchor man and this fellow is perfect for the job. He calmly clears tables and lets the other two perform on stage. All the while keeping everyone happy.


By the way, the food is fabulous (compliments to the chef), Specially recommend the Quesadillas and the wraps, cocktails amazing and the view is perfect. 


When you are in Bodrum, please go there. Great for families (Turkish people love kids), young and old scally wags alike. A breath of fresh air.

View from Brasserie Fora.

Brasserie Fora - enjoying a beverage

Evening settling down - Brasserie Fora

The `beep beep` man!

The beep beep man!

I AM SO DISAPPOINTED! I went to the market especially to take a photo of the beep beep man, and he wasnt there. So, I will have to explain. At the big food bazaar, you can employ a man with a cart to transport your purchases to your place of business (or home I suppose). Its a very hilly region and the carts must weigh a lot when fully loaded with sacks of spuds etc. There are several cart operators,, I photographed this one in the absence of my favourite man.  (No offence intended). My favourite is a wiry little fellow with not an ounce of fat, he glistens with sweat as he takes his loaded cart onto the busy streets shouting `beep beep` at the traffic and generally getting his own way. No pavements for this fellow. Oh no, there is no bus or lorry willing to take on this guy. But he is so jolly! No swearing or angry gestures, just `beep beep` at the top of his voice. Love him!

I am NOT a cat person, but it was on my cushion!!

Bodrum food bazaar

Buy my leeks or you will be sorry!

Pastry like filo.

Hidden Bodrum

There is more to Turkey than Baclava