Selimiye to Bodrum

We are sad to leave Selimiye. In fact, I am sadder now than when we left home back in June. The kittens are mewing for attention, the last they will get from us for a while, they will be grown before we see them again. I know Hasan will take care of them. 


We are catching the Datca - Bodrum ferryboat at 9 am. Its an hour by taxi to Datca. The journey takes you back along the penninsular toward Marmaris then a hairpin back to Datca. Hasan has called the ferryboat who say we need to check in half an hour before at the ticket office in Datca then get on the shuttlebus to the ferryboat port. A taxi is ordered for 6.50. I feel it is cutting it a bit fine, I like a little time in hand but say ok. 


The taxi driver is 30 minutes late! He drives like the wind. The car needs its wheels balanced and I feel slightly nauseous from the vibration as we head into Datca. The views along the way are fabulous in the early morning light. We climb high up into the mountains with spectacular far reaching views of the sea. Then plunge deep into the gorges where the road hugs little bays with fishing boats and tiny villages. Datca is another town we are familiar with and I wish it was on our list to visit again, maybe on the way back? We screech to a halt at the ticket office, buy tickets, the shuttlebus is long gone so the taxi driver takes us on to the port. We arrive in the nick of time. We are the last to board as they prepare to close the ramp. The timing is tight to say the least. 


It takes two hours on the little ferry to get to Bodrum, there is a strong headwind. Its a nice little journey though, very uneventful. Soon we see the familiar sea front of Bodrum, the castle and the minarets of the mosques. Another day, another town.

Datca - Bodrum ferryboat