Budva to Triana

It is with a heavy heart that we head off to the bus station. Our bus leaves at 11.20 for the 6 hour direct trip to Triana. We know there could be delays at the border so are prepared for that, but we should be in time for dinner.


The bus is an hour and a quarter late! Hey, ho, should still make it for dinner. We had a late breakfast at `Teraca` so I didnt pack any bus picnic stuff, just some water and a rather travel worn emergency chocolate bar. 


Off we go, up and up, round and round, the bus climbs out of Budva along a steep and bendy road up the mountain. I am so glad there is that little chicken wire fence between us and certain death! Eventually even the hang gliders are taking off from below us. The camera is in the overhead locker, I cant ask Norman to retrieve it now. Damn!!!


The journey passes well, then we get to the border. Thankfully Montenegro and Albania seem to be united in getting us through quickly. All the passports are gathered up by a border guard, who studies the photos carefully, and taken away. I assume they scan them, or maybe just have a laugh at the pictures. Anyway, they are returned in only one hour. The driver gives the whole bundle to the least able, giggly backpacker girly to hand out. Eventually a guy with a brain takes them off her and in a minute we all have our correct documents back. Ggggrr.


Off we go again. We are going to be a bit later than anticipated, but its fine. I start seeing road signs to Tirana, thats good. An hour or so later I see a road sign to Shkoder, thats worrying. I know where Shkoder is (been looking at the map) and it is not on the route I would have expected. So, we do a detour to Shkoder! Drop off some people and get back on the road to Tirana. The hours start to drag. The sunset is pretty and the scenery is lovely, especially around the national park, but I want to get there now! Then I see signs for Duress. I know where that is too, its where you catch the ferries to Italy. And it is NOT on the direct route to Tirana! So, we drop off a few more people there, and make a couple of seperate unscheduled stops which the driver has obviously agreed to as a favour. Then there is an accident on the road so we get held up in a tailback. For heavens sake! It was about 10 oclock when we are told to hurry up and get off the bus outside the bus terminal (which is shut) because the bus should really not stop there. Its dark, its been raining, we grab our bags and watch the bus disappear. 


I cant see an ATM, and we could not buy Albanian Leke in Montenegro. We have euros, so I wave at a taxi. He calls the number I have written down for our accomodation. Rapid fire Albanian, then he hands the phone to me. I explain who I am. The man on the other end has never heard of me. But can offer me a bed for one night only, special price! This is not the man I have had text conversations with. Dodgy taxi driver. I try another taxi driver, this one seems helpful, another telephone conversation and we are off. All seems well till we turn into an alley which leads to a yard. A dishevelled man stumbles out of the dark and a conversation takes place. This does not look good. Then the taxi driver gets out and walks away!!!! Then he returns, all smiles and we reverse out of the yard and drive deeper into the alley. Perhaps he is worried someone might hear the screams? Then, music to my ears `Mrs Susan is that you?`. Its our hosts` Mum! She shows us through some big solid metal gates into an oasis. Mum takes control, sister is ordered to carry bags and we are fussed over. They were worried about us. `It is dark and not all men are good`. You are telling me! I thought we were in the deep brown stuff for a while there. We have arrived.