Fethiye to Kas

Bati Antalya bus trip was lovely. These buses are more like a local service. Not as comfortable as the big buses, but make for an interesting journey as they visit in and out of villages on the way. You see more of rural life on a little bus. 


In the villages you feel you are seeing the real Turkey. Even the younger women wear headsarves and are modestly dressed. Baggy trousers with long tunics over the top. (Must be quite comfortable actually.) In one village a market was taking place, goods laid out on the ground in the village centre. It was busy with scooters, tractors and people milling around. The bus struggled to get through at one point. I would love to take photos but feel it would be an intrusion. The charactor in some of the faces would be wonderful to capture. Some of the young women are quite beautiful, carefully made up with dark eyes and long lashes. The elderly look splendid to, wrinkles etched on faces tanned by years in the sun. Hands are interesting too, knarled and knobbly from years working hard on the land. 


The journey continues and we see the sea. The road clings to the edge of the cliff, you wonder how these roads were built. They must have used dynamite in places. The sun is shining on us, but out at sea the rain clouds are dumping heavy showers. The Greek island of Meis is only 30 minutes sailing time from Kas. It is one of many small islands dotting the sea. We call into to Kalkan before reaching our destination, Kas.